Sunday, September 20, 2015

Five for Sunday Night

Happy Weekend, Ya'll!

I took a really long nap today and it was glorious. I love weekends.

This week we finished up our 5 Senses unit. We are still working on letters and sounds so I decided to let them practice writing their letters with shaving creme. It was messy but the kids loved it! (And my tables are nice and clean now!)

On Wednesday I had the opportunity to go to the Go Noodle Meet Up here in Austin. Back in the summer, the folks at Go Noodle sent out a survey to have people vote on where they should have meet ups in the fall. Only a few cities were picked and I was lucky that Austin was one of them. After school I headed downtown to this swanky little set up where we were welcomed with a swag bag, snacks, and lots of nice people to mingle with. We even got to see some of the new videos coming to Go Noodle soon! And of course, we had to Po See Ko while we were there! It was a blast and I got to meet a lot of really nice and enthusiastic teachers from the Austin area. 

At the end of the year last year, my kids were really into directed drawings. I only had instructions for a few so I decided to pick up this book in the summer from my sweet friend, Amy. She sells books for Usborne Books and I knew when I saw it, I had to have it. I pulled it out this week, gave the kids a clipboard and sheet of paper and went to work! We learned how to draw a cat since my kids are really into Pete the Cat right now. I had them draw each step with me on the carpet. Then I showed them how to take a black crayon and outline their drawing. I let them color it in however they wanted to. The nuggets were so impressed with themselves and couldn't wait to get home and show their parents. If you want your own copy of the book, you can find it {HERE}.

There are a ton of things in here to draw! 

The drawings are super easy. I can't draw at all and even mine came out pretty decent!

My nuggets filled up their first jewel jar this week! They earn jewels by getting compliments from other adults in the building. They chose popcorn as their party for this jar. On Thursday, we were talking about eating popcorn on Friday and one little friend raised his hand and ever so sweetly asked, "Mrs. Allison, if we are eating popcorn, can we make it like a movie theater in here and watch something while we eat our popcorn?" Bless. How can I say no to that? So at the very end of the day Friday, they all settled in to a bowl of popcorn and some Leap Frog Math Mission.

This weekend, I went to a baby shower for one of my most dear friends. Hubs and I have been friends with them for years now. He was friends with them back in junior high and when we started dating, the four of us became very close. I am so excited to meet baby Robert in just a few weeks!

I dug up an old picture of us from 2007. I love us!

Look at those baby faces!


On tap for this week... Apples! It is one of my favorite weeks of the year! Apple tasting, Johnny Appleseed, and croc pot applesauce on Friday!

Have a blessed week, friends!

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