To say it has be a crazy week would be an understatement. First of all, we all know that a full moon and kids never mix. There was one of those on Tuesday. Then, our AC decided it needed a vacation on Tuesday. Thank goodness for our admin--they saw that it was getting pretty uncomfortable in our rooms (mine was 86 degrees--yikes!) and brought in portable AC units. The thing was a monster, but it at least cooled us off a bit. The AC guys brought and plugged it in and when it started roaring, one of my sweating nuggets looked up in awe and said, "I always wondered what God looked like..." I had to laugh out loud at that one! I think we were all just glad to feel some cool air! Luckily we only had to listen to that thing for 2 days before the central AC was fixed.
It was Bat Week in our room! The kids had a great time learning about the parts of a bat, life cycle of a bat, and all other things bat related! They were even drawing and labeling bats in their free centers. That is when I know they are loving what they are learning. The art teacher even told me they were telling her all about echolocation in her class--she was very impressed!
On Monday, I channeled my inner Ms. Frizzle and wore these cute bat leggings I found a few weeks back. One nugget popped up Monday afternoon and said, "Mrs. Allison! We are learning about bats today, AND you have bats on your legs!" Yes, friend, that was my intention. ;)
We are lucky to live and go to school near a bridge that houses a large bat colony. They come out every night by the thousands for their nightly feeding and it is so neat to watch. I invited my class families to come watch one night and you would have thought I'd taken my kids to Disney World! The bats flew right over us and they kids were amazed! (The parents were too!) It was a fun mini field trip after school hours.
Waiting for the bats!
We celebrated Halloween at my school by dressing as book characters! My sweet team looked so cute yesterday! We were Max, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Pete, Viola Swamp, Splat, and Thing 2. I am so glad I get to work with these girls everyday!
Sadly, to top off the week, my room flooded yesterday thanks to a monsoon rain storm we had. Thankfully, it is not my entire room, just about a third of it. I was frantically moving furniture to the middle of the room yesterday, and my kiddos and I had to relocate to a vacant room for the rest of the day. Luckily, I had some room moms coming to volunteer anyway, and they happen to show up at just the right time. They jumped in and started moving things with me and helped keep the day as normal as possible. I am SO lucky they showed up, I don't know that we would have made it without them! Maintenance is sanitizing and drying the carpet today so that I can spend tomorrow putting my room back together. I am happily spending today with the dog and the hubs and not worrying about anything school related. We are headed off to the Farmer's Market for brunch!
Have a great weekend, y'all!
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