The gals over at Blog Hoppin' are hosting a fun linky party all week! My goal is to participate each day this week, let's hope my week doesn't get too crazy! Ha!
Here we go! 5 fun facts about me!
1. I am an only child! Or at least I was growing up. Now I have the BEST sister in law. Like for real ya'll. She's the bomb dot com.
Isn't she beautiful!?!
2. I don't really like sweets. I would much rather have fruit than a piece of cake. There is one exception though...
Ice Cream.
And not just any ice cream.
The BLUE BELL ice cream.
If you aren't from the south, it's the best ice cream on the planet. But it was recalled earlier this year and we have been without it ALL summer.
But it comes back today. I am taking a spoon with me to the grocery store. #notashamed
3. I am a total animal lover. We have our pup, AB, of course, but we also have 2 cats and a hamster. I don't have any recent pictures of our kitties, but they live outside and bring me dead grass snakes and keep the boogie men away. We have Alice and her cousin, Harry Clyde Batman. Yes. You read that correctly. We call him H.C.B. for short. The story of how he came to get his name is long. I'll save that for a later story. Then, our hammie's name is Maude. PetsMart was giving her away one day because she was older and "strangely marked." I thought she was precious. So of course I brought her home.
Here she is training for Hamster Ninja Warrior. ;)
4. I have a strange ability to remember what year songs came out. I know, super random.
5. I collect nativity scenes. Christmas is my favorite time of year and since hubs and I got married, we have started collecting nativity scenes from the places that we visit. We have them from Costa Rice, Grand Cayman Island, Cozumel, and several others. If it were my choice, we would keep them up all year!
So that's a few things you might not know about me! I hope you had a fabulous Monday!
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