Saturday, August 29, 2015

Five for Friday (on a Saturday!)

Happy Weekend, Friends!

I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching this morning for a Saturday edition of Five for Friday!

Well, we survived the first week of Kindergarten! We (yes, we) shed a few tears but overall had a great week. I have a sweet group of 19 nuggets this year. I didn't take any pictures for the blog on the first day--I was a tad busy making sure we all go fed and home in the correct way. No one got lost or cried on the first day so I call that a success!

During the first week we do a lot of projects with our names. I start by making name mats for everyone. I have a font on my computer that looks like the tracing letters. This is the first activity that we use them for, I give them their name mats and a sheet of those little metallic star stickers that you can get at the grocery store. This makes for great fine motor skill practice and they look super cool when they are finished. The kids love it! 

We did some exploring with the light table this week. It was a hit! I just let them play with the materials and check everything out. I plan on creating some light table activities to use during our stations soon. 

On Thursday, I introduced them to morning work. I use the Read, Trace, Glue, and Draw from Deedee over at Mrs. Wills' Kindergarten. The kids did a great job with it and we used our glue sponges for the first time. I'm telling ya'll, I am never going back to glue stick or glue bottles. These sponges are sent from heaven. Here is a link to the directions if you want to know more about them. ~HERE~

Yes, I realize his scissors are upside down. We are working on that! ;)

Glue sponges! *Cue the angels singing* 

Overall we a great week, but this girl is tired! Did anyone else's desk look like this at the end of the week?! I was so tired yesterday afternoon, I just left it.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. If you need me, I'll be over here napping.

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